
Generate Ethereum Wallets Using GoLang – Build a DApp with Go Lang

Generate Ethereum Wallets Using GoLang – Build a DApp with Go Lang

In this video I explore how to generate new Ethereum wallet addresses using Go Lang.

Go Lang is an open source programming language supported by Google
It is very easy to learn and get started with, it also has built-in concurrency and a growing ecosystem of partners, communities, and tools making it an idea tool to develop scalable decentralized applications on blockchains like Ethereum.

Videos in the Series
1. Connect to Ethereum Using GoLang – https://youtu.be/hUZbhGtrbK4
2. Get Ether Balance of Ethereum Wallets Using Go Lang – https://youtu.be/dKJLAbVVgEc
3. Generate New Ethereum Wallets Using GoLang – https://youtu.be/d4mi5YgDI6Y

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