
1Move – MOVE TO EARN Presentation | Metaverse NFT WEB3.0 and Cryptocurrency Combined in one Project

1Move – MOVE TO EARN Presentation | Metaverse NFT WEB3.0 and Cryptocurrency Combined in one Project

1Move – Move to earn Plan | Metaverse NFT WEB3.0 and Cryptocurrency Combined in one Project

Walk and earn Cryptocurrency and NFT | Earn for staying Fit
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With elements of Game-Fi and Social-Fi incorporated, users engage on a fun and rewarding platform where they will have a new experience in gaming and socializing. All this whilst keeping up with their fitness or exercise routine and earning valuable tokens along the way.

1Move is built around an important aspect of a human’s daily activity which is MOVING. Users equip themselves with 1move sneaker NFTs and can start earning tokens by walking, jogging and running outdoors. These tokens can either be used in the app or cashed out for profit.
1Move aims to engage millions of people on a journey to a healthier lifestyle. We pioneered the concept of ‘Move and Earn’ with elements fun and engagement to enhance every individual’s aspirations.


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