
Redis Crash Course [ ريدس بالعربى ] Redis in ARABIC

Redis Crash Course [ ريدس بالعربى ] Redis in ARABIC

### Redis: Is described as an in-memory persistent key-value store
* In Redis, databases are simply identified by a number with the default database being number 0

* Change the database using `select 0`
* Get all keys `keys *`
`set key value`
`set users:leto ‘{“name”: “leto”, “planet”: “dune”, “likes”: [“spice”]}’`
`get key`
`get users:leto`
* Erase all the values in a database using `flushdb`

### Querying: Redis doesn’t allow you to query an object’s values, Redis isn’t a one- size-fits-all solution
### Memory and Persistence
* (Snapshotting) By default, Redis will save the database every 60 seconds if 1000 or more keys have changed all the way to 15 minutes if 9 or less keys has changed
* (Append Mode) Any time a key changes, an append-only file is updated on disk

### The Data Structures
#### Strings
* `set key value`
* `get key`
* `del key`
* `set users:leto ‘{“name”: leto, “planet”: dune, “likes”: [“spice”]}’`
* `get users:leto`
* `del users:leto`
* Get the length of a key’s value `strlen users:leto`
* Sub-string with inclusive end `getrange key start end`
* `getrange users:leto 31 48`
* `append key value` appends the value to the existing value (or creates it if it doesn’t exist already)
* `append users:leto ” OVER 9000!!”`
* `incr key`, `incrby key number`, `decr key`, `decrby key number`
* `incr stats:page:about`, `incrby stats:page:about 3`, `decr stats:page:about`, `decrby stats:page:about 3`
* `setbit key offset bit`
* `getbit key offset`
* `setbit daily_active_users 1 1`
* `getbit daily_active_users 1`
#### Hashes
* They provide an extra level of indirection: a field
* The benefit would be the ability to pull and update/delete specific pieces of data, without having to get or write the entire serialized value.
* `hset key hash_key hash_value`
* `hget key hash_key`
* `hmset key hash_key_1 hash_value_1 hash_key_2 hash_value_2 … hash_key_n hash_value_n`
* `hmget key hash_key_1 hash_key_2 … hash_key_n`
* `hgetall key`
* `hdel key hash_key`
* `hkeys key`
* `hset users:goku powerlevel 9000`
* `hget users:goku powerlevel`
* `hmset users:goku race saiyan age 737`
* `hmget users:goku race age`
* `hgetall users:goku`
* `hdel users:goku age`
* `hkeys users:goku`
#### Lists
* Lists let you store and manipulate an array of values for a given key. You can add values to the list, get the first or last value and manipulate values at a given index.
* l is the head and r is the tail
* `lpush key value`
* `rpush key value`
* `lpop key`
* `rpop key`
* `ltrim key start end`
* `lrange key start end`
* `lrange key 0 -1`
* `lindex key index`
* `lpush newusers user1`
* `ltrim newusers 0 1`
* `lpush newusers user2`
* `ltrim newusers 0 1`
* `lrange newusers 0 1`
* `lpush newusers user3`
* `lrange newusers 0 2`
* `ltrim newusers 0 1`
* `lrange newusers 0 2`
* If we wanted to get the details of the last 10 users, we’d do the following combination:
ids = redis.lrange(‘newusers’, 0, 9)
redis.mget(*ids.map {|u| “users:#{u}”})
* You could use lists to store logs or track the path a user is taking through a site. If you were building a game, you might use one to track queued user actions.
#### Sets
* Sets are used to store unique values and provide a number of set-based operations, like unions. Sets aren’t ordered but they provide efficient value-based operations.
* `sadd key value_1 value_2 … value_n`
* `sadd friends:leto ghanima paul chani jessica`
* `sadd friends:duncan paul jessica alia`
* O(1) to check if a value is a member of a set
* `sismember key value`
* `smembers key`
* `srem key value`
* `sinter key_1 key_2`
* `sinterstore new_key key_1 key_2`
* `sismember friends:leto Jessica`
* `sismember friends:leto vladimir`
* `sinter friends:leto friends:duncan`
* `sinterstore friends:leto_duncan friends:leto friends:duncan`
* Sets are great for tagging or tracking any other properties of a value for which duplicates don’t make any sense (or where we want to apply set operations such as intersections and unions).
#### Sorted Sets
* If hashes are like strings but with fields, then sorted sets are like sets but with a score. The score provides sorting and ranking capabilities.
* `zadd key score_1 value_1 score_2 value_2 … score_n value_n`
* `zcount key start_score end_score`
* `zrank key value`
* `zrevrank key value`
* `zrange key index_start index_end withscores`
* `zrangebyscore key score_start score_end withscores`
* `zrem key value`
* `zadd friends:duncan 70 ghanima 95 paul 95 chani 75 jessica 1 vladimir`
* `zcount friends:duncan 90 100`
* `zrank friends:duncan vladimir`
* `zrevrank friends:duncan vladimir`
* The most obvious use-case for sorted sets is a leaderboard system. In reality though, anything you want sorted by some integer, and be able to efficiently manipulate based on that score, might be a good fit for a sorted set.

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