
C# Full Project Tutorial(Pizza Point Of Sales Management System )with MYSQL Database and Source Code

C# Full Project Tutorial(Pizza Point Of Sales Management System )with MYSQL Database and Source Code

Let, start to develop C# projects for (Pizza Point Of Sales Management System using visual studio 2017.All students can easily learn about visual studio and MySQL server database and they may be expertise with it. Most of the students don’t have an idea about how to start a project in visual studio . They know all the other things related to project like documentation, diagram, but they don’t understand what is the first step to start windows application project in C#. In this tutorial video we will learn step by step to develop Employee Management System software windows application project in visual studio 2017 .
TO SUBSCRIBED: https://www.youtube.com/@codespace4249
Source code and database files-https://drive.google.com/file/d/13l11yj6gWgjCR255M3j_DFwHGhlZXy9x/view?usp=share_link

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