
how to host multiple websites in one web hosting account

how to host multiple websites in one web hosting account

How to Add Additional Domain to Hostgator Hosting.
This tutorial is valid for either the Baby or business shared hosting plan. Login to your Hostgator account and click on “Add-on domains” under the domains section. See the video for better understanding:
In the box to the right of “New Domain Name”, enter the domain name you wish to add to your Hostgator account. You need to create an FTP username and password. You can choose your password yourself or you can generate a complicated password by using the password generator offered under cPanel. The “Document Root” section defines the root of the domain you are adding. I usually use Public_html/domainname as the Document Root, as it makes it easier for me when I need to give FTP access to developers.

Once done, click on “Add Domain” and you have successfully added an additional (add-on) domain to your Hostgator account!

This feature is also useful when you have purchased other domain extensions (.org, .info, etc.) to preserve your brand name. After adding the additional domains, you can use Hostgator’s redirection feature on the same page, to redirect the add-oon domains to your main domain name.

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