Installing Wordpress to your web hosting

Installing Wordpress to your web hosting

Installing Wordpress to your web hosting

Installing Wordpress onto your web hosting and web domain with Cpanel and installatron is super simple.
1) Login to your hosting and navigate to Cpanel. The instuctions to do this will be sent to you from your hosting provider
2) Within Cpanel, locate ‘Applications’ and click on it. If you cant find ‘Applications’, look for ‘Installatron’ or the Wordpess logo.
3) Within Installatron, Click on “Application Broweser”. Scroll down to find Wordpress. Click on it. Then Click on “Install this Application.”
4) Use the drop down menu to find the domain that you want to install to. Always choose the https version. In this example, I installed to
5) Select that option that you wish. My suggestions are explained in the video.
6) Click Install.

Viola! You have a live website for the world to see!