[06 Python OpenCV] Construct2 and Python Websocket

[06 Python OpenCV] Construct2 and Python Websocket

[06 Python OpenCV] Construct2 and Python Websocket

This video shows you how to create a client using Construct2 (a game engine) and a server using Python Websocket. We will be using these technologies later in our OpenCV projects. So it is good to introduce them here first.

Here is the code with some modification. I added a counter variable which will show an incrementing counter with each new message echoed back to client:

###### websock2.py ######
import asyncio
import websockets

import asyncio
import websockets

counter = 0
async def echo(websocket, path):
async for message in websocket:
global counter # to access global variables inside functions
counter = counter + 1
await websocket.send(f”Got your message: {message} {counter}”)

start_server = websockets.serve(echo, “localhost”, 8080)
