
Will It Run? On Deck, The Operative: No One Lives Forever Steam Deck Proton Steam Play Success!

Will It Run? On Deck, The Operative: No One Lives Forever Steam Deck Proton Steam Play Success!

I try my best to get old games running on modern systems. Today I wanted to try a game I missed out on and has a dedicated community keeping it alive. It went very smoothly with minimal fiddling.

NOLF Revival: http://nolfrevival.tk/
Compatibility: Proton 7GE Proton 7
– The Explorer browser, when installing and looking for an install folder, would be blank on the first proton i use, so i switch to the other and it shows up. I don’t know why, but if you do 7 first, then you can switch to GE and it will work and have the benefits of GE.
Steam Launch Command – None needed, but dgvoodoo2 probably optional
dgvoodo2 – http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/
Wine CFG was only needed to force a window size so Steam Link would present the whole display for recording. It functioned normally without that change directly on the steam deck.

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