
Install Eclipse + Android Development Tools in 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04

Install Eclipse + Android Development Tools in 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04

A guide for the install of an Android Development Environment in an Ubuntu 14.04 desktop. First 18 minutes covers install. Last 8 minutes covers Android emulator in virtual guest.

Install Oracle Java 7. Install 32 bit libraries for Android Development Tools in 64 bit Ubuntu 14.04. Install Android Development Bundle which includes Eclipse. Verify operation by creating a “Hello World” program and running the program on an Android phone.
Video demonstrates with the System Monitor what happens when you try and run an Android emulator in an Ubuntu 14.04 VirtualBox guest.

To configure an Android phone to run in Ubuntu with Eclipse see “Configure Android Device to Run Applications in Eclipse/Ubuntu- http://youtu.be/u5NUOH4BLlk”.

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