
Introduction to C Language | What is C Language? | Why C is called mother Language | BCA |Lurn Today

Introduction to C Language | What is C Language? | Why C is called mother Language | BCA |Lurn Today

In this C Programming Language Video Tutorial in Hindi for Beginners you will learn the What is C language ( C Kya Hai ), its history and why study it when there are so many other languages are available in this modern world.

is video mein aap ye seekhenge ki C Programming Language kya hai, iska history kya hai ise kahan use kiya jata hai.

The C language is one of the programming language which we can use to write the instructions for the computer or C is one of the language which can be used to write the computer programs.

C was created in 1972 at Bell Laboratories of USA by a team lead by Dennis Ritchie and he called his new language as the C because it was the successor of the existing language at that time called as the B language.
this B language was influenced by BCPL

Originally this C language was created to write the operating systems and compilers but later because of its simplicity and its features it became one of the popular programming language and even to this day it is one of the popular programming language used.

why One has to study the C programming language when there are so many other languages are available.

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