
Message for World Day for the Sick 2023 – Bishop Michael Router

Message for World Day for the Sick 2023 – Bishop Michael Router

Bishop Michael Router, chairperson of the Council for Healthcare of the Bishops’ Conference, has welcomed Pope Francis message for the 2023 World Day of the Sick which takes place this Saturday, 11 February, on the the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This year’s theme is ‘Take care of him: compassion is a synodal exercise of healing’. and is inspired by the parable of the good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke.

“Pope Francis draws attention to the modern day ‘pervasive culture of efficiency’ which leaves no room for frailty and seeks to marginalise the vulnerable. The Church must stand against such a culture which allows such practices as euthanasia and assisted suicide to be presented as acceptable in a civilised society. .

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