
How To Theme QT Applications in Ubuntu to Make Them Look Native In Gnome – Kvantum Theme Manager

How To Theme QT Applications in Ubuntu to Make Them Look Native In Gnome – Kvantum Theme Manager

In this video I cover a method of theming QT developed applications using Kvantum so that they look native in Gnome based distributions such as Ubuntu.


Step 1. Install Kvantum.

Kvantum can usually be installed from your distribution’s repository using your package manager.

For example, in Ubuntu, you would use the following Terminal command:

sudo apt install qt5-style-kvantum

You also need to add a rule to your user profile so that the theme engine will apply the select theme to all QT applications.

See the video for that Terminal command since YouTube descriptions cannot contain angled brackets.

Once that is done, log out of your user account, log back in, and then launch Kvantum Manager.

Step 2. Using Kvantum.

Within the application, choose the Change/Delete Theme option, and select a theme that matches the theme currently used by the desktop environment.

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