
How to trade Crypto futures on Okex

How to trade Crypto futures on Okex

learn how to trade Crypto futures on Okex

Create an account on Okex: okex.com/join/2435487

learn how to trade on Okex: https://youtu.be/ApxTAfaMBNM

what is Futures: https://youtu.be/5eodsWSm87A

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New to Bitcoin? Click this link to learn more about it: http://jacobzreview.online/what-is-bitcoin/

Create a trading account on

Binance: https://accounts.binance.me/en/register?ref=10995056

If you have an account on Binance already, click here to register on Binance futures: https://www.binance.com/en/futures/ref/40207308

Create an account on Okex: okex.com/join/2435487

Create an account on Kucoin: https://bit.ly/3xxvSRl

Difference between ERC20 & BEP20: https://youtu.be/rqsbWUW7GZc

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