
SnowRunner Chevrolet Apache, new DLC truck (not included in the season pass)

SnowRunner Chevrolet Apache, new DLC truck (not included in the season pass)

I was wrong. This truck was just released as a part of The Clasico DLC pack. It is a paid DLC that is NOT included in the season pass. What a bummer.

On the upcoming update 8.0 we will get a bunch of NEW stuff like a brand new map, the Imandra on the kola peninsula. We will get plenty of quality of life improvements and more. However, something was hidden on the game files, a brand new truck! The Chevrolet Apache will be released with update 8.0 and I was only able to access this thanks to my good friends Nextej¹ and OsiursSenpai². The update 8.0 will be released in a couple of weeks according to the devs to all platforms (pc, ps4 and xbox)!

¹ https://mod.io/members/nextej
² https://mod.io/members/osirussenpai

For ALL Snowrunner interactive maps, check out: https://www.maprunner.info

You can get the game for PC here: https://store.epicgames.com/coldfir30/snowrunner

Join me on DISCORD! https://discord.gg/FX4Q7sU
Special Thanks to my Patreons: Trisa133 ($5), Rudolf Wolter ($1) and GWR Dirky Dirk ($1)
If you wanna join them check me out on https://www.patreon.com/coldfiregames

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