
Type Conversion in C# | Type Casting in C#

Type Conversion in C# | Type Casting in C#

In C#, type conversion refers to the process of converting one data type to another. There are two types of type conversions in C#: implicit and explicit.

Implicit conversions are performed automatically by the compiler and do not result in data loss. For example, converting from a smaller data type like int to a larger data type like long is an implicit conversion.

Explicit conversions, on the other hand, require the programmer to perform an explicit typecast. This type of conversion can result in data loss if the target data type is not large enough to hold the value being converted. For example, converting from a larger data type like double to a smaller data type like float is an explicit conversion.

The Convert class and the System.Convert class can also be used to perform type conversions in C#. For example, the following code converts an integer to a string:

int number = 123;
string numberAsString = Convert.ToString(number);

It is important to be mindful of the potential for data loss when performing explicit conversions, and to validate the results of the conversion to ensure that the expected values are produced.


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