[Expert's Talk] #HTAsiaLink2022: Reimagining the Post-COVID-19 Health System and HTA

[Expert's Talk] #HTAsiaLink2022: Reimagining the Post-COVID-19 Health System and HTA

[Expert's Talk] #HTAsiaLink2022: Reimagining the Post-COVID-19 Health System and HTA

COVID-19 changed the world and increased the need for healthcare, effective measures, and HTA evidence to support these measures.

In this video, our speakers from #HTAsiaLink2022 Plenary 1: Reimagining the Post-COVID-19 Health System and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) will talk about how prepared health systems need to be to respond to unexpected changes and how health systems and HTA may adjust in responses to changes post-COVID-19 settings.

Let’s explore how COVID-19 has affected HTA together!