
088 CFWheels (A ColdFusion Framework for the REST of us) with Tom King and David Belanger

088 CFWheels (A ColdFusion Framework for the REST of us) with Tom King and David Belanger

David Belanger and Tom King talk about “CFWheels (A ColdFusion Framework for the REST of us)” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.
Show notes
What is CFWheels?
MVC framework inspired by the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework
CFWheels is an open source CFML (ColdFusion Markup Language) framework inspired by Ruby on Rails that provides fast application development, a great organization system for your code, and is just plain fun to use.
4 wheels – Andy Bellenie, Adam Chapman, Tom King, David Belanger
Why is it a framework for the REST of us?
Hybrid development style – pop on legacy code into a View module and it will just work (then refactor later)
Convention over configuration
No XML config file – but do have config files with cfscript that set CFWheels variables
Streamlined ORM, but can add in SQL queries when you want to
Inspired by RoR with over 10 years of development (first commit 2006!)
Rails is an inspiration and not a rule of law, but a useful reference: i.e, routing
Friendly framework
Great for those who might have tried other frameworks and found them overwhelming
Convention over Configuration
Good for beginners
Lots of user-friendly documentation
How different is CFWheels from ColdBox or FW/1 or Fusebox? (They are all MVC frameworks)
What animal does each framework remind you of?
ColdBox = Friendly Tiger who does everything
FW/1  = Fast bird, who gets in an out fast, lightweight
Fusebox = Neglected dinosaur, powerful but has not been maintained recently
CFWheels = Horse – just get on and ride
Why use a framework at all?
See the first page of the CFWheels docs https://guides.cfwheels.org/docs
Team and maintenance faster
Why not use a homegrown framework?
Easier to pass code base on to other developers
Especially for open source projects
You benefit from other people fixing bugs in the framework
RESTful routing
Resource-based routing
Can easily just turn your app into an API eg to an Angular front end
Microservices? Not so much
Single framework with plugins
Fads in IT
Own ORM (Active Record Style)
Dynamic Finders, i.e findOneByEmail
Model Validation
Own ORM so independent of CF engine ORM changes
Lots of stuff Built-in
Database Migrations / MySQL MSSQL Postgres
Documentation / automatic developer documentation
Test Suite based on RocketUnit
Commandbox based CLI
CORS handling (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
CFWheels 2.1 feature
Protect from CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery)
Flash handling
The Flash is just a struct in the session or cookie scope with some added functionality. It is cleared at the end of the next page that the user views. This means that it’s a good fit for storing messages or variables temporarily from one request to the next.
Nothing to do with Adobe Flash player!
Plugins – ForgeBox
Future – next release 2.1
Bug fixes
Faster startup
CORS functionality
2.x Moved code to cfscript (from CF tags)
Form helpers
Small but Friendly community
Google mailing list for help
CFML slack channel #CFWheels room
Outreach? Mostly word of mouth currently
Why are you proud to use CF?
It always works!
Fast to develop
WWIT to make CF more alive this year?
Support Lucee
PHP beater
And in the cloud
More blogs and education
Talk it up in your proposals
Education – talk to teachers who are teaching the classes
Or teach CF at schools or universities yourself
More open source apps
What are you looking forward to at Into The Box?
Mentioned in this episode
State of the CF Union survey 
Into The Box conference

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