
ASP.NET Core Login and Register Screen Using Identity Framework

ASP.NET Core Login and Register Screen Using Identity Framework

ASP.NET Core Login and Register Screen Using Identity Framework

Previous Part

In this ASP .NET Core tutorial we will discuss how to create beautiful login and register screen using ASP.NET Core Identity Framework.

This is continuation of the Video ASP .NET core Identity Tutorial.

I have kept the link of the previous part above. Please watch it if you have not watched it yet.

What is ASP .NET Core Identity?

ASP.NET Core Identity is a membership system.
It allows us to create, read,
update and delete user accounts.

To use Identity Framework in your Application.
You Must install the package
and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identiy.UI.

Then you must Inherit your Dbcontext class from the
IdentityDbContext class. Normally we use to inherit our Dbcontext
class from Dbcontext class.

we must also add Identity Services to the Services collection using the command

then other important step is we must add the
in the configure method of the startup.cs

finally don’t forget to add endpoints.MapRazorPages();

and lot more to to discuss.

so please watch the video. Definitely you will like it.

Thank You.

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