Wireless networking, security, and sensing above 100 GHz | ITU Journal | Webinar

Wireless networking, security, and sensing above 100 GHz | ITU Journal | Webinar

Wireless networking, security, and sensing above 100 GHz | ITU Journal | Webinar

Spectrum above 100 GHz provides a promising foundation for realizing unprecedented capabilities in next generation wireless networks. The speaker will begin by describing emerging transmitter and receiver architectures that can realize high-frequency communication and sensing. This talk will then address the key elements needed to realize highly directional, high data rate links that are robust to client and environmental mobility. The speaker will also describe how new sensing capabilities can simultaneously provide millimeter scale resolution without traditional array processing methods used in lower frequency bands. Lastly, physical layer security will be addressed: while narrow beams can make an eavesdropper’s task more difficult, the speaker will describe a new class of “Metasurface in the middle” attacks that yield a formidable adversary. Throughout the talk, experimental results to illustrate current capabilities in these areas will be used.

Edward W. Knightly, Rice University, USA

Ian F. Akyildiz, Editor-in-Chief, ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU-J FET)
Alessia Magliarditi, ITU Journal and ITU-T Academia Coordinator, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

This webinar is organized by the ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET), an international journal providing complete coverage of all communications and networking paradigms, free of charge for both readers and authors. The ITU Journal considers yet-to-be-published papers addressing fundamental and applied research. Open topics for future research will be discussed. See more information on the ITU Journal webinar series and the open Calls for Papers for the upcoming ITU Journal’s issues here.

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