
Android App Development Create activities Class 18

Android App Development Create activities Class 18

Android App Development Create activities

Create activities in Android app development, follow these steps:
Open Android Studio and create a new project.
In the Project pane, expand the app folder and select the java folder.
Right-click on the java folder and select New Activity.
Select the type of activity you want to create, such as Empty Activity or Basic Activity.
Give the activity a name and select the layout file, then click Finish.
The new activity and its layout file will be created and added to the project. You can then edit the layout file to add UI elements, and edit the Java file to add code and logic.

To start the activity, use an Intent to launch it from another activity, passing data if necessary.

Repeat these steps to create additional activities as needed for your app. By using Intents to launch activities, you can create a navigation flow for your app, allowing users to move from one activity to another.

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