
Learning Web & iOS Development Simultaneously

Learning Web & iOS Development Simultaneously

What Programming Language Should Programmers Learn In 2019? 💻
What Programming Language Should Programmers Learn In 2019? 💻

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Learning Web & iOS Development Simultaneously

How do you learn two things at once? This is exactly what we’re going to discuss in this video.

Today, I’ve received a question from a reader asking me how he should learn web and iOS development at the same time.

Although this is a good topic, I couldn’t help but answer that this is such a question for anyone who is splitting focus and trying to learn a lot of things at once.

As I’ve talked before, this is not the best strategy for learning anything but, if you really wanna do it, there are some things you can do in order to maximize your results.

Wanna know what? Watch this video and find out!

If you have a question, email me at john@simpleprogrammer.com

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