
Evan Golden talks Crystal Head Vodka with Dan Aykroyd – Eye on South Florida

Evan Golden talks Crystal Head Vodka with Dan Aykroyd – Eye on South Florida

Crystal Head Vodka is an award-winning, ultra-premium beverage produced in Newfoundland, Canada. Our vodka is additive-free, gluten-free and Kosher certified.

Dan Aykroyd wanted to craft a vessel worthy of one of the world’s purest vodkas. A symbol of life, reflecting power and enlightenment, to hold their award-winning white spirit of super natural purity.

Crystal Head contains no additives. No glycerol, citrus oils or sugars. Nothing is added to enhance or mask the taste.

The objective was to craft traditional vodka with materials drawn from the cleanest sources. High quality peaches and cream corn and the pristine waters of Newfoundland are used to produce Crystal Head.
The vodka is distilled 4 times then filtered 7 times, of which 3 are through semi-precious crystals known as Herkimer diamonds.
The result is a naturally smooth, ultra-premium vodka, held in a bottle designed by world-renowned artist John Alexander.


Host- Evan Golden
Twitter- @golden_tv
Instagram- @goldentv .

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