
How To Spell Reflect in PvE and PvP [WoW]

How To Spell Reflect in PvE and PvP [WoW]

0:00 Intro
0:11 Spell Reflect Basics and Usage in PvE
3:00 Difference between Reflect and Deflect
4:20 Spell Reflect in PvP
6:59 Arena Clips

Hey there! in this video we’re covering spell reflect usage and how you can use it to keep yourself alive in PvE and disrupt enemy set ups in PvP. I’ll have more videos coming out on pvp / pve in the near future, thank you so much for watching!

List of reflectable and deflectable spells in PvE for Shadowlands: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQgrszRE22Brb0f5k761vUXVe7MD1-qHThpalxzn0zWFRdQqrh0hM5LcQNoa-lLz4781S5rH2e9tRXG/pubhtml#

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I read and respond to all comments, if you’re unsure about anything or have any questions please just ask!

#shadowlands #armswarrior #pvp #arena #pve

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