
C# 11 New Features You've got to know about!

C# 11 New Features You've got to know about!

#coding #codingbootcamp #softwaredeveloper
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Null-coalescing assignment

This operator lets you assign a value to a variable only if it’s currently null. It’s like when you’re at a party and you ask your friend to hold your drink, but they only take it if they’re not already holding one.

Switch expressions

This feature allows you to use the switch statement as an expression, like when you’re ordering food at a restaurant and the waiter asks “What do you want on your burger?”.

Numeric IntPtr and UIntPtr

These new types allow you to work with pointer-sized integers, like when you’re trying to remember someone’s phone number but it’s too big to fit in your head.
Joke: “Why did the computer go to the doctor? it had a pointer problem”
Explanation: These new types allow you to work with large integers that are the size of a pointer, which could be useful for memory-intensive applications.

Auto-default struct:

This feature allows you to create structs with default values without having to explicitly specify them, like when you’re ordering a sandwich and you don’t have to specify all the toppings because they come with it by default.
Joke: “Why did the sandwich go to the doctor? It was feeling bread.”
Explanation: With this new feature you can create struct with default values without having to specify them.

Generic Math Support:

This feature allows you to perform mathematical operations on generic types, like when you’re trying to figure out how much pizza to order for a party.

Using declarations:

This feature lets you declare a variable inside a using statement, like when you borrow a pen from a friend and you want to use it right away.
And more. This feature allows you to use the nameof operator to refer to members of a class, like when you’re trying to remember the name of your friend’s dog. This feature means you can use the nameof operator to specify the name of a method parameter in an attribute on the method or parameter declaration. This feature is most often useful to add attributes for nullable analysis.
Joke: “Why did the dog go to the class? to learn a new name.”
Explanation: With this new feature you can use the nameof operator to refer to the members of a class, this could be useful for debugging and error handling.

Ranges and indices:
These new types allow you to work with ranges and indices more easily, like when you’re picking songs to play at a party and you want to play a specific range of songs.

I hope these examples help illustrate the new features in a relatable way! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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