Check if a Number is Fibonacci in JavaScript | JavaScript Interview Questions

Check if a Number is Fibonacci in JavaScript | JavaScript Interview Questions

Check if a Number is Fibonacci in JavaScript | JavaScript Interview Questions

How to check if a number is fibonacci or not – using JavaScript? The fibonacci numbers are these: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 and so on. This is a fibonacci series. The Fibonacci sequence or series is a type of series in which each number is the sum of the two numbers that precede it. Meaning each number is sum of previous two numbers in the series.

We have to write a function in javascript that takes in a number and finds if the given number is a fibonacci number or not. There are a few different ways to check if a given number is a Fibonacci number in JavaScript. One way is to iterate through the Fibonacci sequence and check if the number is equal to any of the numbers in the sequence.

Define a JavaScript function which takes an input parameter. This function will return a boolean value indicating whether provided number is a fibonacci number or not.

Initialize three variables “fib1”, “fib2” and “fib3” with 0, 1 and 0 + 1 respectively. Use a while loop that continues until “fib3” is less than or equal to “provided number”. In each iteration, If “provided number” is equal to “fib3”, then return true (indicating that the number is a fibonacci number).
Replace “fib1” with “fib2”. Replace “fib2” with “fib3”. Calculate the next fibonacci number by adding “fib1” and “fib2”.

Return false (indicating “num” is not a fibonacci number) after the loop has finished executing.

Call the function with a number, as argument, and it will return ‘true’ if number is a fibonacci number.

It’s worth noting that the performance of such approach may vary depending on the number you’re checking. You can improve the performance using memoization or look-up table to store already computed values.

This is how we can check if a number is fibonacci or not – using JavaScript.

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