Adding MetalLB as Loadbalancer, Nginx-Ingress and Cert-Manager to the On-Prem kubernetes cluster

Adding MetalLB as Loadbalancer, Nginx-Ingress and Cert-Manager to the On-Prem kubernetes cluster

Adding MetalLB as Loadbalancer, Nginx-Ingress and Cert-Manager to the On-Prem kubernetes cluster

Setting up the MetalLB Load-Balancer for hybrid win-linux cluster and use ingress nginx as a reverse proxy.

First part: Youtube:


In this part you will see:

– MetalLB:
Setup the MetalLB as a load-balancer for your on-prem cluster
Create configmap for external ips
– Nginx-Ingress
Install nginx-ingress as reverse proxy using helm
basic configuration for your web apps
configure ssl certificates
– Cert-Manager
Install Cert-Manager
Configure issuer and create self-signed CA
Export CA certificate to be used for other clients
test deployment and configure the dns
create and test ssl certificates for your websites.

Part1: Setup a On-Prem Kubernetes cluster with Flannel using Hyper-V with Windows and Linux Nodes

Part3: Azure-Devops Kubernetes App deployment and Release Variable management using Kustomize