Remove Ezoic from Cloudflare in 1 MINUTE!

Remove Ezoic from Cloudflare in 1 MINUTE!

Remove Ezoic from Cloudflare in 1 MINUTE!

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Ezoic is a great tool for monetizing your website. However, it can be a pain to remove from Cloudflare, especially if you’ve given Ezoic access to your Cloudflare account with an API token.

In that case, you might see your DNS records being updated again and again by Ezoic, even after you’ve removed Ezoic from your website. This is because Ezoic is still connected to your Cloudflare account. In this article, I’ll show you how to remove Ezoic from Cloudflare in 1 minute.

⚡️ I buy my domains on Dynadot. It’s a fast and cheap registrar.