
MariaDB Deployment and Management with Ansible

MariaDB Deployment and Management with Ansible

Faustin Lammler discusses using Ansible to manage your MariaDB deployments

0:00 Start
1:18 Ansible presentation;
2:07 Presentation of the test platform and Ansible minimal setup;
5:16 MariaDB role installation and presentation;
8:50 Use the role to deploy MariaDB on a first node;
10:37 Do some configuration changes on node1 and deploy MariaDB on a second node;
13:27 Configure node1 as master and node2 as replica;
16:35 Check that replication is working;
17:42 Add backup on the second node;
18:30 Pointers to Ansible documentations;
19:20 Conclusion and asciinema: deploy from scratch.

Ansible Role MariaDB: https://github.com/fauust/ansible-role-mariadb
Asciinema (install from scracth): https://asciinema.org/a/335099
Mitogen for Ansible: https://mitogen.networkgenomics.com/ansible_detailed.html
Ansible for DevOps: https://www.ansiblefordevops.com/

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“Acid Trumpet”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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