
Normalization in DB2 – Mainframe DB2 Tutorial – Part 11

Normalization in DB2 – Mainframe DB2 Tutorial – Part 11

Normalization in DB2 – Mainframe DB2 Tutorial – Part 11 is about the normalization and it’s different types and importance.

Arranging the data in the Database in an organized manner.

1 Normalization (1NF):
2 Normalization (2NF):
3 Normalization (3NF):

Avoiding multiple values or set of values in one column.
It is to avoid duplicate rows based on column, it can be eliminated by defining a primary key (PK).
A Primary Key is a uniquely identified row, doesn’t contain any Null Values and Duplicate Rows.
Primary key can consist of single (or) Multiple columns. Only one primary key should be created for one table and every table should be defined with primary key.
It is to build relationship with two objects i.e. relationship can be build by defining a foreign key (FK), which is already a primary key of another table.
Multiple foreign keys are defined on one table to have a relationship with multiple tables.
FK can contain NULL/duplicate rows.
FK can contain single/multiple columns.
DB2 for Mainframe z/OS is a relational database management system that runs on the mainframe.A relational database is a database in which all of the data is logically contained in tables. These databases are organized according to the relational model. In a relational database, referential integrity ensures data integrity by enforcing rules with referential constraints, check constraints, and triggers. You can rely on constraints and triggers to ensure the integrity and validity of your data, rather than relying on individual applications to do that work.DB2 is software that you can use to manage relational databases.

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