Tom Yum Noodle Soup 冬蔭功湯河

Tom Yum Noodle Soup 冬蔭功湯河

Tom Yum Noodle Soup 冬蔭功湯河

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Tom Yum Noodle Soup

1/2 pound shrimp
30 grams oyster mushroom
2 lemongrass
4 sliced galangal
2 red chili
4 Kaffir lime leaves
3-1/2 cups water

Sauce ingredients:
2 tablespoons fish sauce
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1 to 2 tablespoons Tom Yum paste

1. Cut the shrimp head off, peel and devein shrimp then set aside.

2. Add the shrimp head and shell into a pot, stir fry the shrimp, press the shrimp heads with spatula to extract the goodies from the heads. Pour in 3-1/2 cups water, bring to boil then reduce heat to medium low and cook for 15 minutes. Drain the shrimp stock.

3. Cut off the upper stem and root end of lemongrass, remove the outer layer, pounded and bruised. Cut galangal into 4 pieces; Bruised red chillies; tear Kaffir lime leaves a part.

4. Add lemongrass, galangal, Kaffir lime leave, red chillies into the shrimp stock and cook for 5 minutes over medium high heat. Meanwhile, bring a pot of water to boil, cook noodles based on the package instructions.

5. After 5 minutes, add the sauce ingredients (except the fresh lime juice) and mix well. Add oyster mushrooms, shrimp and cook for 2 more minutes then turn off the heat, add fresh lime juice and serve with noodles.



半磅 大白蝦
30克 鮑魚菇
兩條 香茅
4片 南薑
兩條 紅辣椒
4片 檸檬葉
3-1/2杯 水

兩湯匙 魚露
兩湯匙 青檸汁
一茶匙 糖
一至兩湯匙 冬蔭功醬

1. 切斷蝦頭及脫去蝦殼備用.

2. 中大火乾炒蝦頭蝦殼, 把蝦膏壓出來然後加入3-1/2杯水煮滾, 然後調至中小火煮15分鐘. 最後用細網瀘出蝦湯頭.

3. 把香茅去除青葉部份, 切掉底部一小段然後把外葉剝開. 用刀背略拍香茅, 較易䆁出香味. 南薑切四片備用. 把鮑魚菇撕成小塊. 把檸檬葉撕開一半. 把紅辣椒輕微壓扁. 將青檸對半切開, 用叉子榨出兩湯匙青檸汁.

4. 把香茅, 南薑, 紅辣椒辣椒及檸檬葉放入蝦高湯以中大火煮5分鐘. 同一時間, 燒熱一鍋水然後依照包裝標示煮河粉.

5. 5分鐘後, 加入調味料攪拌均勻 (青檸汁除外), 然後加入鮑魚菇及蝦煮2分鐘. 關火加入青檸汁拌勻即成.