Online VBS 2020 | Day 1 | Creation | The Seeking Father

Online VBS 2020 | Day 1 | Creation | The Seeking Father

Online VBS 2020 | Day 1 | Creation | The Seeking Father

Online VBS 2020 | Day 1 | Creation | The Seeking Father

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Online VBS. Vacation Bible School. VBS 2020. Vacation Bible School 2020. Kids Bible Study. Online Kids Bible Study. Bible Study on Creation for Kids. Bible Study on Creation. Online Kids Program. Online Kids Study.

God is the seeking father who came to seek and to save the lost. We find God as the seeking father throughout the Bible. However, the seeking father is very beautifully illustrated in Luke 15 with the story of the Seeking Shepherd, the seeking woman for the lost coin, and the seeking father for his lost son. The theme of the seeking father is then illustrated in Luke 19, where Jesus went seeking after Zacchaeus.

This VBS 2020, we are going to teach on the heart of the seeking Father. On Day 1 of the VBS, we are showing the seeking father’s heart in creating the whole world. The subject for day 1 is creation. This will be a kids Bible study on creation. We will explain the days of creation. Creation of man and woman. Creation of the animals and plants. Creation of the sea creatures and creation of the birds in the sky. Creation of the heaven and the earth. Finally we find God seeking after man when he sinned in the Garden of Eden where God created him and put him to rule.


Sunday Worship Services
English: 9:30 am & 11:30 am
Sunday School: 8 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am
Tamil: 7:45 am
Kannada: 6:30 am
Hindi: 11:20 am
Teens Church: 9:30 am