
What is the Unity Distribution Portal (UDP)? APPTUTTi at Unite Copenhagen.

What is the Unity Distribution Portal (UDP)? APPTUTTi at Unite Copenhagen.

APPTUTTi is one of the newest stores on the UDP providing access to the world’s largest mobile market for Unity developers. UDP reduces the engineering complexities associated with publishing to multiple app stores, enables developers to publish and operate games in local markets, and connects developers with a global audience. Developers only need to build their game once and upload it to UDP, where it will automatically be repackaged for and sent to the partnering game stores. More than 50% of all new mobile games are made with Unity.

APPTUTTi partners with developers to successfully launch their apps and games in China. Their one of a kind 24/7 online portal provides developers with real-time performance and monetization data of their apps and games which can improve understanding of user behavior and acquisition. They provide free access to three major app stores in China, with various monetization options available such as in-app purchasing (IAP) and advertising. Their free SuperSDK provides developers with all the resources necessary to adapt and integrate their apps and games for Chinese mobile users and the Chinese mobile market. Developers will save time, resolve technical complications and enhance efficiency and effectiveness with the SuperSDK.

Register at www.apptutti.com and open the gate to more than a billion user-base mobile market.

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Twitter: http://bit.ly/2rpYWtl
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2rospnp
LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2G3obM9

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Learn more about Chinese Internet and Mobile Gaming Ecosystem:

Launch your apps & games in China and Unexplored Markets:
http://bit.ly/2rrimOK .

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