Best Shower Filter: Crystal Quest Inline Shower Head Filter Made in USA

Best Shower Filter: Crystal Quest Inline Shower Head Filter Made in USA

Best Shower Filter: Crystal Quest Inline Shower Head Filter Made in USA

Looking for the best shower head filter to remove contaminants from your water? Look now further than the Crystal Quest Inline Filter, made in the USA. While it’s not a household name, it definitely gets a lot of attention from some major businesses. Due to Crystal Quest’s state-of-the-art filtration processes, they’ve been selected as partners by companies like Boeing and NASA!

In this video, I’m going to discuss the benefits of the Crystal Quest Shower Head Filter, how to install it and how you can replace the shower filter cartridge when it comes time. Don’t skip through, because I’m going to show you an insider tip to prevent this filter from reducing your water pressure.

You can buy the Crystal Quest Inline Shower Head Filter here:

The Shower Head Store:

Since this is an Inline Shower Head Filter, you can use any Shower Head that you’d like with this filter. We highly recommend the All Metal Hand Held Shower Head Set by HammerHead Showers, available here:

The Shower Head Store:

Let’s talk about the impressive filtration power of the Crystal Quest Shower Head Filter.

Using a 3-stage filtration process, the water first passes through ERA-6500 and ERA-9500 media for de-chlorination and to balance the pH. Finally, the water passes through a coconut shell granular activated carbon (GA) which reduces contaminants.

This process removes chlorine, chloramines, VOC’s, THM’s, pesticides, sulfur, heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide (“rotten egg” odor), iron oxides (“rust water”), dirt, sediment and other odors, all while balancing the pH!

These cartridges are reversible, so you can get twice the use out of it compared to regular filter cartridges. It should last you about a year before needing to replace it. You can buy the Crystal Quest Replacement Filter Cartridge here:

The Shower Head Store:

With all that said, let’s get into the video and show you how easy it is to get the shower head filter set up to purify your water.

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