
How to build a simple server in Golang

How to build a simple server in Golang

Go (golang) is a statically compiled language ideal for building fast, flexible and potent Web Servers. In this video I dive into creating a web server using go that greets us and tells us the time.

I also wrote a Medium article that provides similar instruction as the video: https://medium.com/google-cloud/building-a-go-web-app-from-scratch-to-deploying-on-google-cloud-part-1-building-a-simple-go-aee452a2e654

Link to Code (Gist): https://gist.github.com/martinomburajr/674f815aa9450ce9e3cd05edc7cf567e#file-medium-building-a-go-web-app-from-scratch-to-deploying-on-google-cloud-welcome-app-main-go

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