
Mi Router 3G Padavan Build & Installation Guide (VLAN, VPN, Download & Torrent Manager)

Mi Router 3G Padavan Build & Installation Guide (VLAN, VPN, Download & Torrent Manager)

Mi Router 3G Padavan Build & Installation Guide

There’s not a lot of guides on the internet (0 as I know of) of building and installing Padavan for the Mi R3G in English, and those which do exist in russian, are slightly outdated and non-working… which is why this guide exists.

Padavan offers some advantages over stock firmware with things like VLAN Tagging support (which instantly makes it usable in countries with ISPs that use this, like Malaysia), VPN Client and Server support, traffic monitoring, system resources monitoring, and of course a built-in Download Manager and Torrent Downloader.

It’s also more stable in my experience, boots faster, and if you’re worried about privacy and stock Chinese firmware, then this should give you a bit of reprieve from that.

When typing in the commands, make sure that they are case sensitive. When typing in the terminal, the correct commands in order are:

wget -O start.sh http://prometheus.freize.net/script/start-100.sh
chmod +x start.sh

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