
OneDrive plus Calibre = cloud library (FREE)

OneDrive plus Calibre = cloud library (FREE)

UPDATE: do NOT use Google Drive for your Calibre library. It does not work.

It is possible to put your Calibre library into the Cloud by using a cloud service which offers a desktop client for synchronizing local files with the cloud storage. If you do this, Calibre works fine, because it is simply using a local file. Calibre does not care that those local files are also uploaded to a cloud location. Win-win.

OneDrive is available from from Microsoft at https://onedrive.live.com?invref=a3dcf86de7915256&invscr=90.

The following storage options are available from OneDrive as of May 2017.
5GB – Free for any new user of the service.
1TB (1000 GB) – Free with Office365 subscription
Additional storage upgrades are available.

Other cloud services which I suspect will work, but I have not personally tested with Calibre. Proceed with caution and test with a sample library before you commit your entire library.
***DO NOT use Google Drive for your Calibre library. It does not work.***

Apple iCloud
Amazon Drive

For a comprehensive list of online file hosting services, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_hosting_services.
OneDrive for iOS app available for in the iOS app store:

Exit mobile version