
How to Create an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS with GUI Desktop on Contabo using RDP – Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Create an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS with GUI Desktop on Contabo using RDP – Step-by-Step Tutorial

I show you step-by-step how you can create a very secure Ubuntu 20.04 VPS with Desktop , from scratch. We are then going to access it by the windows 10 remote desktop connection via RDP by installing XRDP . And finally, how to link it to Google Drive Online Account

Contabo Link : https://cloudtechlinks.com/V30-Contabo-Link

## If you are looking for a particular video try,
## 1) Channel : https://cloudtechlinks.com/YTChannel
## 2) then : https://cloudtechlinks.com/All-Videos

0.00 The Video Purpose
2.52 The Ubuntu 20.04 VPS purchase Process
8.15 Build Ubuntu 20.04 with GUI Desktop via Putty SSH Client
13.30 Run Remote Desktop Connection and Basic Configuration
16.20 Enable all Online Accounts including Google Drive on Ubuntu 20.04
22.10 YouTube End Cards

Build Ubuntu 20.04 with Desktop via Putty SSH Client Commands
01) adduser xrdpuser (password : e.g paste se7ye8pc5hs0 )
02) usermod -aG sudo,adm xrdpuser && su xrdpuser
03) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
04) sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop mmv htop stacer gnome-software xrdp -y
05) sudo rm /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.color.policy
06) sudo sed -i ‘s/3389/53579/g’ /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
07) sudo sed -i ‘s/#Port 22/Port 53572/g’ /etc/ssh/sshd_config
08) sudo ufw allow 53572 && sudo ufw allow 53579 && sudo ufw enable && sudo ufw status numbered
09) sudo reboot

reconnect via SSH port 53572 using xrdpuser

10) sudo passwd –delete –lock root
11) sudo reboot

PLEASE NOTE : Since making this video, there are a couple of settings that I have found that speed up the responsiveness of this Videos Ubuntu VPS noticeably. The Video explaining what they are is only abound 4 minutes long, and can be found here : https://cloudtechlinks.com/How-to-Speedup-Ubuntu

Connect via The Remote Dektop Connection (RDP) port 53579

1) ASAP – On desktop, disable all lock screen settings – on privacy options

How to link Google Drive
1) On the Desktop, In the Terminal Application :
a) cd /etc/netplan && sudo mmv ‘*.yaml’ ‘#1.moved-for-youtube’ && ls -la
b) sudo wget https://cloudtechlinks.com/V23-cloudtech-dot-yaml –output-document=v30-cloudtech.yaml && ls -la && cat v30-cloudtech.yaml
(please remove the spaces in https)
c) sudo reboot

i) Show how to get a free Google Account
ii) Connect to Google Drive Online account :ycloudtech@gmail.com

d) cd /etc/netplan && sudo rm v30-cloudtech.yaml && sudo mmv ‘*.moved-for-youtube’ ‘#1.yaml’ && ls -la
e) sudo reboot

Connecting via RDP from MacOS : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7TCvLuWlF0
Connecting via RDP from Chromebook : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PUraznLMMs
Connecting via RDP from Linux : https://opensource.com/article/18/6/linux-remote-desktop

how to create a google account (also knon as a gmail account) :

Video describing how to create a brand new Google Drive Account (if needed) :

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