
Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Head Vodka and Egon Spenglar's Neutrona Wand | Ghostbusters Plasma Series

Dan Aykroyd's Crystal Head Vodka and Egon Spenglar's Neutrona Wand | Ghostbusters Plasma Series

Dan Aykroyd’s Crystal Head Vodka and Egon Spenglar’s Neutrona Wand | Ghostbusters Plasma Series
For my 38th Birthday, my AWESOME WIFE got me two very special gifts. The first of which Crystal Head Vodka and the other was the Ghostbusters Plasma Series Egon Spenglar’s Neutrona Wand

Crystal Head Vodka has won 12 International Gold medals and is advertised as the vodka for the creative spirit. Distilled 4 times from the highest quality, locally sourced Canadian Corn. silky smooth with a hint of sweetness and vanilla. Crystal Head Vodka is filtered through Herkimer diamonds and blended with pristine Newfoundland water. USE YOUR HEAD… DRINK RESPONSIBLY!

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