
Connect Python to MariaDB/MySQL Database [Nearly everything you need to know in 9 minutes!]

Connect Python to MariaDB/MySQL Database [Nearly everything you need to know in 9 minutes!]

Nearly everything you need to know about the Python MySQL Connector in under 9 minutes.

After watching this video, you will know how to easy connect to a MariaDB or MySQL database using Python.

This video covers using python to read, write, and execute DDL commands using a Python and the mysql-connector package either in an IDE such as Spyder or within a Flask or Django Application.

0:00 Install packages
0:15 Connect to database
1:00 Create Database
2:00 Create Table
2:47 Insert commands
4:54 Basic select commands
5:55 Select commands with where
6:38 Complex select commands
7:19 Drop commands

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