
Golang REST API Slack Bot Tutorial | Create a Slack App | Part I

Golang REST API Slack Bot Tutorial | Create a Slack App | Part I

In this introductory video, I discuss what we will be covering in this series, and I walk you through the creation of a Slack application and Slack Bot User Token. In the next video, we will write a simple Go program that posts a message to a Slack channel in our Slack workspace as a Slack Bot User.

In this series we will implement a specific use case for a Slack bot, formatted as the following user story: As a developer, I want to be notified via Slack when my build completes, so that I don’t have to go check my Pull Request or Jenkins for the status

Acceptance Criteria:
Slack bot user is created
Slack bot user is triggered as a post-build action in a Jenkins pipeline and publishes a notification to a Slack channel that the build has completed
The published notification should include job name, build number, build result, and a direct link to the build

GitHub Repo with Go Code: https://github.com/moss-n/slack-bot-jenkins-integration
Slack API Client Library: https://github.com/slack-go/slack

The intended audience of this video includes but is not limited to DevOps Specialist/Engineers, Developers

Introduction: 00:00 – 01:27
Demo of final product: 01:28 – 03:12
Creation of Slack App: 03:13 – 07:36
Conclusion: 07:37 – 07:56

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