
How to deposit USDT to Anyswap.exchange?

How to deposit USDT to Anyswap.exchange?

How to deposit USDT to Anyswap?

Follow the simple tutorial for depositing USDT to Anyswap.exchange.

With just several clicks you can swap digital cash all the way.

Try the easiest decentralized crypto exchange platform.

Try it: https://anyswap.exchange/
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Anyswap is a fully decentralized cross chain swap protocol, based on Fusion DCRM technology, with automated pricing and liquidity system. Anyswap enables swaps between any coins on any blockchain which uses ECDSA or EdDSA as signature algorithm, including BTC, ETH, USDT, XRP, LTC, FSN, etc.
We start with Metamask and Ledge wallets but we will add more hardware ones later on. With the API provided, Anyswap protocol could be integrated into any wallet. The protocol is going to introduce a governance token ANY, which would be issued on Fusion Chain.
It is the easiest and best decentralized app that could change the future of crypto. You can swap immediately, no minimum, no maximum of transaction, you can accumulate rewards and join the pool once registered.

Safety guaranteed.

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