
Node js NGINX Reverse Proxy On Docker | NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup | Thetips4you

Node js NGINX Reverse Proxy On Docker | NGINX Reverse Proxy Setup | Thetips4you

Last tutorial we have seen the procedure for dockerizing a Node.js web app. In this tutorial we will see the procedure for dockerizing a Node.js web app and have NGINX as a reverse proxy in front of NodeJS app using docker in this tutorial. In order to run Node js and Nginx in docker container, we will follow the steps to write docker file, docker build node js and nginx, docker deploy node js and nginx to container.

A reverse proxy is a server that sits in front of a group of web servers and when a users makes a an HTTP request through a browser, the request first goes to the reverse proxy server and which then sends the request to the appropriate web server.

Using reverse proxy the main benefit is Security: With a reverse proxy, the web server never reveals its IP address to the client which is trying to access the webserver in our case it is node js, which makes the server more secure.
Easy Load Balancing:  with reverse proxy in from of the website , it is easy to handle the traffic send to the webserver, we can distribute the load to the website across may servers.

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