
Java Tutorial for Beginners 2023

Java Tutorial for Beginners 2023

Learn Java programming from basics.

00:00:00 Intro
00:05:04 JDK setup
00:13:21 First code in java
00:24:35 How Java Works
00:36:34 Variables
00:48:11 Data types
01:00:28 Literal
01:04:49 Type conversion
01:17:20 Assignment Operators
01:27:32 Relational Operators
01:35:35 Logical Operators
01:46:47 If Else
01:59:45 If Else if
02:05:18 ternary
02:09:51 Switch Statement
02:17:50 Need For Loop
02:21:12 While Loop
02:33:35 Do While Loop
02:36:48 For Loop
02:50:06 Which Loop To Use
02:51:48 Class And Object Theory
02:57:30 Class and Object Practical
03:13:03 JDK JRE JVM
03:18:22 Methods
03:29:44 Method Overloading
03:35:41 Stack And Heap
03:48:12 Need of an Array
03:52:01 Creation of Array
03:59:28 Multi Dimensional Array
04:12:30 Jagged and 3D Array
04:18:08 Drawbacks of Array
04:20:54 Array of Objects
04:29:42 Enhanced for loop
04:35:07 What is String
04:42:24 Mutable vs Immutable string
04:48:43 StringBuffer and StringBuilder
04:54:23 static variable
05:01:26 static block
05:08:43 static method
05:13:25 Encapsulation
05:25:04 Getters and setters
05:27:55 this keyword
05:37:36 constructor
05:44:35 default vs parameterized constructor
05:49:36 this and super method
06:01:42 Naming Convention
06:06:08 Anonymous Object
06:10:51 Need of Inheritance
06:17:06 What is Inheritance
06:25:50 Single and Multilevel inheritance
06:29:41 Multiple Inheritance
06:36:16 Method Overriding
06:44:05 packages
06:56:20 Access Modifiers
07:04:42 Polymorphism
07:08:31 Dynamic Method Dispatch
07:16:29 Final keyword
07:22:43 Object Class equals toString hashcode
07:34:41 Upcasting and Downcasting
07:41:17 abstract keyword
07:53:26 Inner class
07:59:03 Anonymous Inner class
08:04:11 abstract and anonymous inner class
08:07:22 What is Interface
08:15:18 More on Interfaces
08:18:40 Need of Interface
08:27:11 What is Enum
08:34:04 enum if and switch
08:37:59 Enum Class
08:45:45 What is Annotation
08:53:14 Functional Interface
08:56:43 Lambda Expression
09:02:51 Lambda Expression with return
09:06:08 Types of Interface
09:10:41 What is Exception
09:15:57 Exception Handling using try catch
09:21:58 try with multiple catch
09:32:14 Exception Hierarchy
09:36:30 Exception throw keyword
09:42:05 Custom exception
09:45:35 Ducking Exception using throws
09:55:29 User Input using BufferedReader and Scanner
10:07:17 try with resources
10:15:25 Threads
10:20:37 Multiple Threads
10:31:58 Thread Priority and Sleep
10:39:20 Runnable vs Thread
10:47:45 Race Condition
11:00:15 Thread states
11:03:45 Collection API
11:08:30 ArrayList
11:20:23 Set
11:27:30 Map
11:37:32 Comparator vs Comparable
11:53:15 Need of Stream API
12:00:12 forEach Method
12:05:01 Stream API
12:14:09 Map Filter Reduce Sorted

Wrapper Class in Java :- https://youtu.be/Fyc86kVIePE

github repo : https://github.com/navinreddy20/Javacode.git

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/navinreddyofficial/
Linkedin : https://in.linkedin.com/in/navinreddy20

More Learning :

Java – https://bit.ly/3xleOA2
Python :- https://bit.ly/3H0DYHx
Django :- https://bit.ly/3awMaD8
Spring Boot :- https://bit.ly/3aucCgB
Spring Framework :- https://bit.ly/3GRfxwe

Servlet & JSP :- https://bit.ly/3mh5CGz
Hibernate Tutorial :- https://bit.ly/3NWAKah
Rest API | Web Service Tutorial :- https://bit.ly/38RJCiy

Git :- https://bit.ly/3NUHB3V
JavaScript :- https://bit.ly/3mkcFys
Kotlin :- https://bit.ly/3GR2DOG

PayPal Id : navinreddy20
Patreon : navinreddy20

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