What will be the output of the following code? Javascript String Method | FromCharCode String Method

What will be the output of the following code? Javascript String Method | FromCharCode String Method

What will be the output of the following code? Javascript String Method | FromCharCode String Method

In this video, we will be discussing the str.charCodeAt() method in JavaScript. This method allows you to retrieve the Unicode code point of a character at a specified index in a string. This can be useful for comparing characters, working with special characters, or even creating unique identifiers.

To use the str.charCodeAt() method, you simply call it on a string and pass in the index of the character you want to retrieve the code point for. For example, the code “Hello”.charCodeAt(0) would return 72, which is the code point for the letter ‘H’.

The str.charCodeAt() method can also be used in combination with other string methods and functions to perform more advanced operations. For example, you can use String.fromCharCode() method to convert a code point back into a character or String.prototype.codePointAt() method to get the code point of a given character.

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