
001 TeraTech ColdFusion Alive Podcast: Giancarlo Gomez, Adventures with Websockets

001 TeraTech ColdFusion Alive Podcast: Giancarlo Gomez, Adventures with Websockets

Giancarlo Gomez talks about “Brief Introduction To Websockets” in this episode of ColdFusion Alive Podcast, with host Michael Smith. Giancarlo Gomez is a full-stack developer with over 17 years experience with various languages, technologies and a passion to continue to learn. He has been a designer, developer and project lead for several companies stateside and can even say this path took him across the pond years back for a piece of software he wrote that required installation and configuration. The internet was much slower back then and a flight was required . He is the owner/lead developer of Fuse Developments, Inc. established in 2004, his consulting business specializing in web and mobile development and CrossTrackr, Inc., a SaaS for the CrossFit community, targeted towards athletes and gym owners providing real-time insight into athletic progress and health metrics.

Giancarlo is also one of the speakers for the upcoming Into The Box Conference, where in he will talk about web sockets.

Some of the topics covered in this podcast episode are:

What is a web socket
Dashboard real time updates
Graphic and visual data
Bi-directional connection
Enterprise license
ColdFusion 2016 websockets

CrossTrackr – http://crosstrackr.com/
ColdFusion 10 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_ColdFusion#Adobe_ColdFusion_10
ColdFusion 11 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_ColdFusion#Adobe_ColdFusion_.282016_release.29
Pusher – https://pusher.com/
PubNub – https://www.pubnub.com/
Socket.IO – https://socket.io/
Javascript API – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript
PubSub – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publish%E2%80%93subscribe_pattern
Lucee – http://lucee.org/
Tinder app – https://www.gotinder.com/
South Florida ColdFusion User Group – https://www.meetup.com/South-Florida-ColdFusion-Users-Group/

Learn more about Giancarlo Gomez at:
Twitter and GitHub @GiancarloGomez

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