
Insights on Scaling Android Development from Cyanogen, Amazon, Twitter, Square, Eventbrite, and more

Insights on Scaling Android Development from Cyanogen, Amazon, Twitter, Square, Eventbrite, and more

Index of topics below – A panel of industry experts discusses large scale Android projects, in this in-depth 90 minute conversation, organized by NewCircle, SF Android, and AnDevCon.

—–Topic Index—–
(00:00:15) – Introduction to panelists / What version of Android did you start with?
(00:04:39) – What does it mean to be “Android at scale?”
(00:10:21) – Managing teams and a huge number of features
(00:16:59) – Rolling out features to massive user bases
(00:20:02) – What are your strategies for testing?
(00:23:40) – How do you deal with test flakiness?
(00:25:56) – Why are you moving from Robotium to Espresso? Can you elaborate the decisions and benefits of Espresso?
(00:29:14) – Which tools are you using for testing?
(00:33:32) – How have you been designing your app for testability?
(00:40:29) – What about testing at the embedded levels?
(00:41:24) – Do you also test on external services?
(00:44:18) – What alternative architectures are Android devs using when considering scale?
(00:50:08) – Is anybody actively using reactive Java, or reactive stye programming, in their architectures at scale right now?
(00:52:29) – How do you deal with Android at scale when you have a worldwide customer base? How is that affecting your practices and what are you doing?
(01:00:53) – Can you touch on how your organization engages with the open source community?
(01:10:38) – What are some of the libraries you consider indispensable? What are important things to think about when deciding on and/ or using a library?
(01:13:23) – How do analytics help in building better apps?
(01:22:57) – What are your favorite resources for learning Android?
(01:29:40) – How many of you are doing hybrid apps, right now, where you’re making use of the power of some of the JavaScript frameworks … and bringing them into Android?
(01:32:32) -“It seems like our designers only understand iOS, how can we get our designers to understand Android?”
(01:37:42) – When moving from a multi-activity application architecture, to a single-activity app, what are your considerations when working with larger teams and scaling for more users?
(01:40:23) – What do you see as the future of Android and what are you excited about? What makes a hirable Android developer?

Get the full story here: http://crcl.to/4gmvy

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