Insights on Scaling Android Development from Cyanogen, Amazon, Twitter, Square, Eventbrite, and more

Insights on Scaling Android Development from Cyanogen, Amazon, Twitter, Square, Eventbrite, and more

Insights on Scaling Android Development from Cyanogen, Amazon, Twitter, Square, Eventbrite, and more

Index of topics below – A panel of industry experts discusses large scale Android projects, in this in-depth 90 minute conversation, organized by NewCircle, SF Android, and AnDevCon.

—–Topic Index—–
(00:00:15) – Introduction to panelists / What version of Android did you start with?
(00:04:39) – What does it mean to be “Android at scale?”
(00:10:21) – Managing teams and a huge number of features
(00:16:59) – Rolling out features to massive user bases
(00:20:02) – What are your strategies for testing?
(00:23:40) – How do you deal with test flakiness?
(00:25:56) – Why are you moving from Robotium to Espresso? Can you elaborate the decisions and benefits of Espresso?
(00:29:14) – Which tools are you using for testing?
(00:33:32) – How have you been designing your app for testability?
(00:40:29) – What about testing at the embedded levels?
(00:41:24) – Do you also test on external services?
(00:44:18) – What alternative architectures are Android devs using when considering scale?
(00:50:08) – Is anybody actively using reactive Java, or reactive stye programming, in their architectures at scale right now?
(00:52:29) – How do you deal with Android at scale when you have a worldwide customer base? How is that affecting your practices and what are you doing?
(01:00:53) – Can you touch on how your organization engages with the open source community?
(01:10:38) – What are some of the libraries you consider indispensable? What are important things to think about when deciding on and/ or using a library?
(01:13:23) – How do analytics help in building better apps?
(01:22:57) – What are your favorite resources for learning Android?
(01:29:40) – How many of you are doing hybrid apps, right now, where you’re making use of the power of some of the JavaScript frameworks … and bringing them into Android?
(01:32:32) -“It seems like our designers only understand iOS, how can we get our designers to understand Android?”
(01:37:42) – When moving from a multi-activity application architecture, to a single-activity app, what are your considerations when working with larger teams and scaling for more users?
(01:40:23) – What do you see as the future of Android and what are you excited about? What makes a hirable Android developer?

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