
016 Adventures with ColdFusion and ContentBox in the Wild, with Seth Engen

016 Adventures with ColdFusion and ContentBox in the Wild, with Seth Engen

Seth Engen talks about “Adventures with ColdFusion and ContentBox in the Wild” in this episode of the ColdFusion Alive Podcast, with host Michael Smith.

Seth is one of the speakers of the upcoming Into The Box ColdFusion Conference, where he will talk about ContentBox In The Wild.

In his ITB talk, Seth will mention a variety of specific real-world scenarios where ContentBox has answered business needs.

Episode topics

What the heck is ContentBox?
How is it different from other open source ColdFusion CMSs?
Built On top of ColdBox framework
Security good
Great support from Ortus
Why use ContentBox Themes and what are the amazing things that you can you do with them?
How ContentBox widgets make it easy to program common business needs
A CFC with an UI that you can drag and drop in the content page
Some data and properties are exposed in the UI so that user admins can edit directly
How creating ContentBox modules helps with integration to other software
Integrate with 3rd party software such as Stripe to charge credit cards
Integrate Full Calendar and Google Calendar API into one module
Called from a widget
Why are you proud to use CF?
WWIT to make CF more alive this year?
Education such as conferences
Education to folks who have old info about CFML
What are you looking forward to at Into The Box?
ContentBox In The Wild

ContentBox is an open source CMS ready and waiting for use in your next project. See a variety of specific real world scenarios where ContentBox has answered business needs. This demonstration will outline business needs and their associated solution using a ContentBox theme, widget, or module.


Customizing Themes w/ Customized Menu Solutions
Creating Widgets for Common Business Needs
Developing Modules for Robust ContentBox Integration
Mentioned in this episode

BootSwatch theme toggler (http://bootswatch.com)
ForgeBox download themes, widgets and modules
CKTemplates – WYSIWYG editor integration
FontAwesome icons and themes (http://fontawesome.io)
Code from the talk is available on ForgeBox and GitHub
Ortus Developer week
Speaker details

Seth Engen is a co-owner of Computer Know How, a Wisconsin-based technology firm that he started with Curt Gratz in 1997. At the companies start he was introduced to CFML (version 4) and has been programming in the language ever since. Seth really enjoys creating web applications with great user interface experiences.

Learn more about Seth Engen at:


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