
Snackbar: The _appropriate_ interruption (Android Development Patterns S2 Ep 1)

Snackbar: The _appropriate_ interruption (Android Development Patterns S2 Ep 1)

Read the blog post: https://medium.com/google-developers/snackbar-the-appropriate-interruption-ceb54d9be583

Alerts are pretty critical for communicating with your user. But it helps to know what is appropriate so that your users don’t hate you. Fortunately, there’s a simple answer: use a Snackbar! (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/design/widget/Snackbar.html)

But, for those nuanced cases where you want to choose between a Toast and a Snackbar, the design docs have pretty much every detail you could need. (https://material.google.com/components/snackbars-toasts.html) And if you really like being wrong, there’s always a Dialog! (https://material.google.com/components/dialogs.html)
But you’re better than that. So be a better developer and use the better choice: Snackbar.

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