Building a Prize Draw App with Redis, Python and Bulma

Building a Prize Draw App with Redis, Python and Bulma

Building a Prize Draw App with Redis, Python and Bulma

Let’s build a prize draw app with Redis, Python and Bulma!

Redis can be used as an intelligent data store and cache. The talk will explore the interaction between Python and Redis, and data modeling in Redis. We will take a look at code that uses Redis to register participants, close a draw after a set time period, cache API responses and randomly pick winners. Audience members with GitHub accounts can take part in a draw held during the talk to win a Redis t-shirt. The demo will use Bulma as the front end framework, but the talk will focus more on the backend. For those who would like to dive in, the source code will be available for free on Github.


Simon is the Senior Curriculum Engineer at Redis Labs and has been coding since the 1980s. When he’s not teaching the Redis for JavaScript Developers course, you might find him hosting or speaking at a San Diego area meetup.
Away from professional life Simon enjoys traveling, cycling, and building devices with microcontrollers. His website is